
Noisia to split up

Noisia have just announced via a post on their Facebook page that they’re splitting up at the end of 2020.

“After 20 years of being Noisia,” they say, “we are ready to become something new. We’ve all grown, as people and as musicians. For almost 20 years, all three of us wanted pretty much the same, but we’ve developed, and realized that nowadays we want different things. If we all wanted the same different things, it would make sense to do that as a different Noisia, but we want different things.”

As for future plans, it appears things are still up in the air: “What the future holds for us, we honestly don’t know. We still have our studios in the same space, and we will run into each other every day. We are still friends. We will still make music together in some shape or form.”

They plan to celebrate their 20th year and go out in style with one last year of touring DJ shows, Noisia Radio and to release the music they’ve been working on.